
Unit 3 Podcast

Podcast is a digital audio file which is available on the internet for downloading or streaming, they are meant for a particular audience / demographic. They are available in episodes and series.

The origin of podcast is from the early 2000’s by joining the words iPod and broadcast, the very first listeners would listen from their iPod but as time moved on people have started listening from other forms mediums such as smartphones or from their computers. Many broadcasting mediums have now started using podcasts such as the BBC. Podcasting is very different from radio. As radio tends to be more scheduled and podcasting can be downloaded at any time.

Podcasting subscribers mainly get their series or episodes from platforms such as BBC sounds app, Spotify, you tube and sound cloud. Podcasters will send their digital audio files and the subscribers will then receive their episode on the platform they would have agreed to broadcast their podcast. Also, people may tend to use different platforms to reach to a wider audience e.g. not many individuals have IOS devices meaning they don't have the apple music / iTunes, they might have android devices and those devices don’t have apple music and they have other apps such as Spotify and SoundCloud. So, the range of podcast platforms are catered to a wider range of an audience. Platforms such as YouTube might also be beneficial because certain individuals might prefer watching their podcasters record their videos and might want to see the body language and all the other aspects that might make the podcast more authentic and easier to engage and listen to, plus YouTube is free and more will be willing to listen to free and affordable due to its cost free. I believe that podcasting platforms are quite different as to what demographic is listening to the content which is put out and this all relates to the facts about if it’s an affordable podcast and what sort of content is being broadcast.

The audience for podcast is looked at targeted demographics and they have different genres that caters to particular audiences such sport, comedy and romance podcast. This helps the business because it helps the podcast audience to help them have a wider audience. Ofcom states that the podcast audience has grown in the last couple of years from 3.2 million in 2013 to 5.9 million 2018.  The main age group that has grown in listening to this is the 15 – 24 age range. The reason why I think that is occurring is because of how it does not follow the normal traditional mediums of media , most people under 35 wont tune in the video and will listen to the genres that they think is more popular to them and some listeners might think that the podcast are not scripted and doesn't necessary follow the rules or speak in a particular manor and they are free to discuss any topics they would think that it’s of importance. Also comedy is the most popular genre being broadcast podcasts the reason being why is see it as a poplar podcast is because of comedy might be taking the different aspects of our life and with the current culture around where people are easily offended , people might want to tune in into people that might try to bring the edgy topics and try and bring the fun out of if by using podcast that focus to a particular group and they want to hear the edgy stuff and listen to it.

The reason podcast is being listened today is because not that many people especially the new generation don't listen to the normal media outlets such as radio or watch TV, they would rather listen or watch podcast or streaming services. This is because of the normal broadcast such as listening to radio the only time people most of our generation would listen to radio is when they are in a car with a person who listen to BBC radio that's when they would tune in. With podcast they are also flexible you won’t miss an episode since they are digital audio and they can be downloaded on the internet. Also, this links to the fact that with today's advances with technology the means of getting entertainment is more accessible and most people can access things more easily and listening to podcasts will be much easier to access and it fit in with someone's schedule much easier. 

Unit 10

The movie is exploring the aftermath of its predecessor (infinity war) where half of the universe life forms have been wiped out. There are a few heroes that have avoided the snap and the remaining heroes also resort to try and find Thano’s who was then found habiting an isolated planet, in which he revealed he had destroyed the stones which then triggers Thor to decapitate him.  With this the team then learns of a way to reverse the snap by going back in time and retrieving the stones aka (time heist). From there the audience is taken through our favourite MCU moments that are iconic.  The movie also looks at the journey and it looks the ending the stories of some popular characters. The genre being explored is being used is that of superhero theme exploring the development of characters and looking at how they develop and grow. Sound track of this movie seems so be orchestra and some of the soundtracks are from the previous MCU movies that have used the soundtracks. Due to many sci-fi themes being broadly used in the movie there’s a lot of CGI being used in the movie. Such as the costumes for the characters many of them such as Iron Man suit is CGI and the special effects make the suits more realistic. The film was a masterpiece because it depicted a ending to story franchise of the MCU which started with Iron Man. The movie was a lot more entertaining because of the development of the characters throughout the years of the franchise and the infinity saga and the build-up of the Antagonist (Thanos).  Although it might be the end of the first 3 phases the directors still have gaps to fill with the cliff-hangers that have been left by the franchise.

Summer Homework 

All the stars – Kendrick Lamar
Narrative style
The music video is based on afro futurism and Afrocentrism. In the music video you can see the many aspects of different art styles and cultural clothing being used in the video. It shows even African based dances and the song itself is connected to Marvel studios Black Panther that is set in the fictional futuristic country of Wakanda. The music video has a glance look at the perspective of African culture that is different to the normal things that are shown on other forms of media. The Narrative of the music video takes a look at the Artist sailing on an ark with hands serving as the waves/tide that are taking him on a journey to Africa. There also other aspects touched: the beginning it looks like the artist has arrived on the continent and at the end he is at an Egyptian aesthetically looking tomb and shows the deities of Egyptian mythology.
In the music video it mainly shows people of African descent and the various cultural aspects on the continent such thing is that when a particular scene the artist depicted to be in a shanty town which are mainly found in South Africa such famous townships are Soweto where pan African leaders such as Nelson Mandela lived. The video does try and draw out the vast cultural aspects into one.
editing pace


 The costumes used aim at using various aspects of African cultures such as the Igbo hats from Nigeria that they use in the symbolism in the video and at the end they use Egyptian attire and culture aspects being used in the video and hieroglyphics being used in the video aesthetics

Donald Glover
Narrative style
The video is aiming at the gun policy in the united states. In the music video it was looking at the aspects of racism facing in America such as the Jim Crow dance and the Christ church shootings. It aims at the different stereotypes that Black Americans face and in the music video he is mocking the stereotypes and he is trying to offer the reality of being in the States.

The representation in the music video it looks at young black kids dancing the South African ‘gwara gwara’ this looks at the different cultural aspects of life in America. Its also showing different peoples of age from school kids and people of old age.
Editing pace
The transitions in the music video is that the transitions in are continuous and they continue in the taking the
video and the action is still going in the music video.

In the music video of there are different major events that are being enacted in the music video. There are scenes where the artist is looking at the such incidents such as the Christ church being shot up and the different attire being used to act those scenes and there is a many scene where guns are being used by the artist to try and send a message.

Cold Play – Hymn for the weekend
The music video is following the Indian music festival of Holi, the festival is celebrated with colours because and the narrative following the artist following the Indian culture and exploring the festival and dancing in the streets and celebrating the festival and the vibrant colours in the music video.
The music video is in India so the video predominantly has people of Asian descent, who are celebrating their religious festival of Holi. The genre of the video is pop music.

Editing Pace
The pace of the music video is going with the pace of the music intro which is slow and it make video transitions smoother and as the music starts to build up the clips begin to have faster transitions. The video is also showing the different angles to show the artist in different locations singing and different shots.
There is also use of rotating camera shots being used was Rotating horizontal and vertical shots being used in the music video.


The music video is full of different colours due to the video celebrating Hindu festival, which presents in the video as people that are in the streets dancing and celebrating. The vibrant colours present the freedom and happiness in the video and representing and sending the message across the audience.

Unit 10 Homework. 

Todorov's theory states that a narrative starts with equilibrium ( everything is in the story is balanced and the conflict hasn't started yet) , The conflict ( this is when the conflict happens that then disrupts the balance and cause chaos or an imbalance ) and Resolution ( this is how the conflict is then resolved or balance is brought back in the story. There's also the Enigma code its another narrative structure used for story telling. 'Enigma' the word comes from the french word meaning mystery. It also comes with different codes such as the Hermeneutic (this is when the story plot is hidden from the audience until the film is almost done is when all is revealed) , proairetic(This is when the scene keep showing the audience and keep them guessing ) , semantic (This is when the code has a hidden meaning and the audience has to keep guessing ), symbolic(This is when the code is going to be hidden and symbolism to create drama and tension  ) and referential code  ( this is when the code is referring to anything that is extrinsic value). Popps theory is that the narrative structure is that each structure has a character for each narrative. such as protagonist, antagonist deuteragonist and tritagonist. Binary opposition this are used to help with developing the plot for the movie. It also work with theory of opposites such examples are Harry Porter vs Voldemort which shows the theory of opposites with Good vs Evil. 

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